Computer Tricks

Notepad Trick - Automatic Typing



Today I am going to show you a very easy notepad trick to scare your friends. The computer types automatically! This is quite an old trick using VBScript and I have seen lots of variations in the script. But here I will present you a very short script written by me. This script is unique as it is easy to modify the text to type and is really short and you can adjust the speed of the typing.

Now lets get straight down to the trick. Paste the code give below into notepad and save it with a .vbs extension.

Now as you can see there are two variables you can modify in the code. The speed variable and the text variable. Modify any of them before saving to set the speed and text you want. Easy huh?

After saving the code as a .vbs file run it and enjoy! Give it your friends with funny messages and see their reactions! Please remember to share your experience via comments and I believe its not a difficult task to press the like button.


  1. Replies
    1. Did you modify the code? If you did, put the text between double quotes. If it still doesn't work leave a comment and I will help you. If it works also leave a comment to let us know :-)


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